Shipping instructions – this form has a few tips and tricks on shipping items in and out for exhibitors. We find it is helpful to have the attendees name, company name and Streamline Summit listed on the labels if at all possible. Our hours of operation in this form will be changing, we are awaiting some final details and confirmations from our corporate office but do anticipate an increase in our hours by Sept. 1st.
Credit Card Authorization Form – Save time and help mitigate lines/wait times for booth deliveries and pickup at breakdown. Pre-authorized shipments.
How it works – All deliveries are on a first come, first serve basis.
  1. Anyone who is comfortable sending us the cc form, please send to my email address, ( we need both exp. date and ccv#’s ) All information will keep these secure and they will be destroyed once finalized. Any vendor who is uncomfortable emailing or faxing can call me and I will personally take the information. Office 480.941.0123 | fax 480.941.3927
  2. Email the form to [email protected]
  3. During set up any vendor that has pre provided this will be placed on our delivery schedule and we will deliver to their booths first thing in the am.  All other vendors will need to come to the Business Center to schedule their deliveries.
  4. During breakdown, vendors will be requested to come to the Business Center to alert us their items are ready for pickup.